Bond Reduction

When a court first issues a warrant for arrest for someone charged with crime they usually set a “cash only” bond of $7,000 or more. This means that when someone is arrested they will have to pay that specific amount in cash to the court before they can be released from jail. Most people do not have $7,000 in cash, must less more than that. This means that the charged defendant must sit in jail until he raises $7,000 or more or hires a good attorney to file court pleadings to reduce his or her bond.

The prudent thing to do therefore, when one is arrested, is to immediately hire an attorney. As your attorney I will file an entrance of appearance in your case and a motion to reduce your bond at the same time. I am usually able to get your bond reduced within 24 to 48 hours after you retain this firm.

I work with several bondsmen in this area including some who are willing to write your bond for as little as $100 down. For example, if the judge sustains my motion to reduce your bond of $7,000 cash to $5,000 cash or surety bond, then the bondsman will charge you a total of $500 for your bond, but you will be able to get your bond issued for as little as $100 and then make payments. This means that you will  usually be able to get out of jail very quickly after contacting and retaining this law firm.

Call The Hall Law Firm LLC today at 573-729-2229 and ask to speak to Glenn Hall.

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Estate Planning

Glenn Hall of the Hall Law Firm LLC has been drafting estate planning documents for clients for over 23 years now. Glenn received his Juris Doctorate degree from Regent University in 1989. Until 1989 Regent University was named CBN University after its founder, Pat Robertson, and his very successful Christian Broadcasting Network. Since the law school was part of an active Christian ministry many courses were devoted to estate planning with a view to caring for one’s family and the ministries which had been instrumental in a person’s life. Glenn took every estate planning course offered while he attended law school there and hit the ground running, drafting revocable living trusts, private irrevocable trusts, and other complicated legal estate planning documents soon after passing the bar exam in 1989.

Today Glenn regularly prepares trusts, wills, durable powers of attorney, health care powers of attorney, and beneficiary deeds for clients. Call Glenn today for a free consultation regarding your estate planning needs.

Posted in Attorney Glenn Hall, Crummey Trust, Estate Planning, Irrevocable Trust, Probate, Revocable Living Trust, Wills | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Estate Planning

Criminal Law

During my 24 years of practicing law I have handled a wide variety of criminal law cases. My cases have included everything from minor traffic tickets to rape cases. In fact my last two jury trials were rape cases wherein both of my clients were found “Not Guilty.” I tried one of those cases in Dent County Missouri and the other in Washington County Missouri.

I do not recommend going to trial on every case. If a client has actually committed the crime he or she was charged with, then I usually recommend accepting the prosecuting attorney’s plea bargain if one is offered.

I look at every case individually and then give my best advice to my client. If you need a good criminal law attorney, then call me, Glenn Hall, today at 573-729-2229.

Posted in Attorney Glenn Hall, Crime & Punishment, Criminal Law, Drug Offense, DWI, Glenn Hall, Rape, Traffic Tickets | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Criminal Law

Lifetime Ban for Drunk Driving?

Lifetime Ban for Drunk Driving

Well, it doesn’t say the driver was drunk, and I’m guessing that there was an original charge of drunk driving that the prosecutor ended up dropping, but this kid sure smashed up his car, badly.

And so the Rhode Island judge banned him from getting a driver’s license FOR LIFE.

The first articles I read about the story bothered me—it sounded way too harsh. Then I read that one of his passengers ended up in a coma for weeks. No one died, but a week long coma?

What troubles me about the judge’s sentence is that he said he was doing it to “send a message” to others that Rhode Island doesn’t tolerate reckless driving.

That’s great, this teenager isn’t all those other drivers. He did what he did, and the punishment needs to fit his crime.

Banning people from driving can seem like a good idea because, theoretically, it keeps them off the road. After all, that’s what we want to accomplish.

In my limited experience, banning people from driving rarely keeps people off the road—it merely makes them repeat “criminals.” The people that suspensions and bans do keep off the road tend to be the people who learned their lesson and are not going to do anything stupid with their cars or while driving again anyway.

If this guy drives again while his license is still banned, he could end up in prison. If this guy doesn’t drive again, this act could possibly cause a detrimental impact on him for the rest of his life. If the injuries he caused to his passengers have long term detrimental impact, then maybe it is just and fitting to cause him problems for the rest of his life.

Also, I believe the Rhode Island law does permit a judge in the future to lift the ban and allow him to get his driver’s license again. Thus, if this guy rises above his past and proves he’s a responsible, hard working, diligent adult, then he may be able to see a little grace to soften the harsh justice his careless deeds ran him into.

I’m a bit torn about whether the punishment fit the crime in this case. I disagree that it’s appropriate to slam someone with a harsh punishment because the judge wants to send other people a message. Justice is about what the defendant in question did, not about scaring other people.

Further reading:

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Do Not Consent to a Police Search

You have rights.  Call the Hall Law Firm LLC today to discuss your rights and your legitimate defense.  Call 417-967-0066 or 573-729-2229 for a free consultation today.

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Why We Cannot Promise the Outcome of a Case

A recent case from Wisconsin shows very clearly why attorneys, including us at the Hall Law Firm LLC, cannot predict or promise any outcome to a litigated case.

Wisconsin Judge Patrick J. Fiedler recently said,

“no, Plaintiffs to not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;

“no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;”

You can read more about the decision by clicking here.

I disagree with this judge’s decision.  He is claiming that the State and the State alone has the power to decide what you can and cannot eat or drink.  This is judicial tyranny, but it is very common in these United States.  Many decisions come about because of political or financial (read “bribe”) reasons. Justice and truth too often play little role in a court’s decision.

At the Hall Law Firm we will first advise you to make every effort to settle your case.  We will help you to do that.  If that fails, we will litigate.  If possible we will demand a jury trial.  We believe in juries.  They usually make the right decision (but not always!).

Call the Hall Law Firm today with your legal questions and issues. Call 417-967-0066 or 573-729-2229.

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Filming Police on Duty is Constitutionally Protected

You have a constitutionally protected right to take videos of police on duty ruled a recent federal appeals court.

Click here for a summary of this decision.

Use your rights while you still have them, and never forget to ask to speak to your attorney before you begin to answer police questions.  Remember, anything you say to them CAN AND WILL be used against you if they even think they have a reason to do so.  Don’t take any chances.  Call Jaired or Glenn of the Hall Law Firm LLC if you need representation in a criminal or potential criminal matter.

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GMO Contamination

There has been a breakthrough in the war against GMOs: A court has now ruled that farms contaminated with GMOs from neighboring fields can sue for damages! The precedent also covers organic crops damaged by conventional pesticides. Exciting stuff!

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Christian Attorneys

Both Glenn and Jaired Hall of the Hall Law Firm LLC consider themselves to be Christians and attempt to walk in the ways of Christ in their personal and professional lives.  Our goal is to represent our clients as Jesus Christ would if he were your attorney.  Of course, we do not consider ourselves as competent as our LORD and Savior, but we serve Him and desire to serve you to the best of our ability.

Call us today with your particular and unique legal need.

Posted in Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, divorce, Family Law, geographic area of practice, God's Law, Jurisprudence, lawlessness, Philosophy of Law, real estate, Traffic Tickets, Types of Law | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Christian Attorneys

If We Do Not Have the Right to Question a Police Officer, then We Are Living In a Police State

Know your rights.  Do not consent to giving ANY STATEMENT AT ALL UNTIL YOU HAVE CALLED YOUR ATTORNEY.


CALL THE HALL LAW FIRM AT 573-729-2229 OR 417-967-0066.

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